Memories from the imediate Reality / Amintiri din realitatea imediata
I feel everything around us, I live together with everything around me, and I can’t ignore or to leave aside the pain, the joy, the struggle, the angst, the restlessness, the happiness, the wondering … and everything that is able to exist between morning and night, between start and finish, between life and death. I tried to gather all these feelings in a cycle of works called Memories from the imediate Reality – reflexions, opinions, and attitudes, generated by the existence and the deeds of people next and beyond me. Many times we look in the mirror and we see an image of ourselves that seems not to coincide with the reality. That is because many times we don’t know who we are anymore. I wanted us to look together in a large mirror and to get back to who we are supposed to be.
Am încercat să adun in ciclul de lucrări ce poartă numele de Amintiri din realitatea imediata reflexii, păreri, atitudini, generate de existenta si faptele oamenilor de lânga mine si de dincolo de mine. De multe ori ne privim în oglindă si ne apare o imagine a propriei persoane, ce pare să nu mai coincidă cu realitatea. Si asta pentru că noi, de multe ori, nu mai mai stim cine suntem. Am vrut să ne privim împreună intr-o mare oglindă pentru a redeveni cine ar fi trebuit sa să fim.